
Workshop Testimonials

Testimonials from our workshops

“It was a most enjoyable time getting to know everyone and the LUPINES were wonderful …   Also loved the waterfalls & learning a different setting/approach to capturing the flow of water!  Thank you!! “Rosemary P. MA


“In this workshop there were no issues with us finding a ‘good spot’ that wasn’t already taken.  I also liked the time you spent showing us tips on processing our photos.” … Sue & Mike F.  CT


“I was very satisfied with the workshop.  I’d give it a 9 on a scale of 10.  You and David’s technical knowledge was enormously helpful … Your hints on editing were fantastic, and thank you for the presets! Jane B.  NH


“Thank you very much for the very memorable and fun workshop in New Hampshire!  I enjoyed every moment of the week!  The tips with regards to water-flow shutter speed recommendations, purposeful composition, mechanics for capturing light-painting subjects,  mirrorless camera/lens discussions, and the various Lightroom post processing tricks – were all well worth the investment of the drive north, and week of fun together!!”Bill J.  PA




Workshop Testimonials