Regular tours run May thru October, Tuesday thru Saturday, Monday is available by special appointment by calling (978) 309-5554. When calling this phone number please leave a message! We don’t answer this number directly as it gets tons of spam calls.
Off-Season (Nov. thru April) tours can be made by special arrangement.
Our photo tours take in many special places in Gloucester, Rockport and Essex and include picking you up and dropping you off from your Gloucester or Rockport accommodations. If you are coming in by train we will meet you at the station in Gloucester. Some of the areas we discover are the Gloucester waterfront, East Gloucester, Rocky Neck, Atlantic Rd., Good Harbor Beach, Eastern Point, Rockport’s eastern shore, views of Thacher’s Island, Rockport headlands, downtown Rockport, Granite Pier, Pigeon Cove, Halibut Pt State Park, Folly Cove, Lanes Cove, Plum Cove, Bay View, and Annisquam
Normally our tours are done in my vehicle. If you feel uncomfortable with this arrangement due to the present Covid-19 pandemic, our tours can be done in separate vehicles. We provide GPS coordinates when we meet and attendees may follow me to the locations.
Book a Tour

*** New *** A La Carte Photo Tours – Are you just in town for a few hours and looking for something to do? We can help! We can pick you up at the train station or your lodging and spend anywhere from a couple of hours to a full day with you. We can tailor your experience like a mini photography workshop or just bring you to great areas to shoot photos. These tours are subject to availability. We take cash or credit cards (no checks).
A La Carte Photo Tours can only be booked by calling (978) 309-5554 please allow two hours lead time. Please leave a message as this number receives tons of spam calls.
The cost is $50 an hour per person with a minimum of two hours.
A La Carte Photo Tours – Anytime the schedule allows, call for booking availability (978) 309-5554. When calling this phone number please leave a message! We don’t answer this number directly as it gets tons of spam calls.
$50 per person per hour, two hour minimum