I shoot parades like this with two cameras. Currently I’m using Fujifilm cameras, an X-T3 and X-T30. The lenses I chose for this assignment are the 10-24 f4 and the 55-200 f3.5-4.8. With these small light mirrorless digital cameras I can vary my angles and feel very comfortable carrying both cameras. These images are by no means earth breaking by any stretch but gives you an idea how easy it is to get an interesting perspective. The tilting screen gives you the ability to get low and high shots you normally don’t see. The best part of shooting this parade was shooting into the light which was blocked by trees in places but gave incredible long shadows that just add to the images.

With my wide angle lens I try to get as close as I can to people in the parade otherwise the images will all look the same.

I used my long lens a few times but the wide angle shots are much more interesting.

Shooting assignments like this can be fun if you have the right gear and you look for something different.