Many times while traveling, people have an opportunity to do something special. This could be anything from a great restaurant to a sail on a schooner. I had the opportunity to do the latter this past week and it was a great experience!
Right away I decided to shoot it as a story for this article.
The rules are pretty simple.
- Wide, medium, and tight images
- Don’t forget the details
- Have a beginning and end
With these rules guiding me I made about 250 images while on a community sail aboard the schooner Adventure out of the port of Gloucester, MA. It’s a great time and the passengers get to help raise the sails!

The action onboard started right away as we left the dock. The crew was busy pulling the dinghy tender aboard and as we got further out the passengers and crew pulled the mainsail up together. Then we put the U.S. flag up and we were off and running without the engine on. With a slight heel to starboard and a good breeze of about 10kts we flew along at 6.5 miles an hour.

So you see by adding a few simple rules to your visual story telling you can make your travel stories more interesting for your viewers!