The second week of June is a great time to be in the north country. The weather is unpredictable so the clouds and mountains work in harmony to create incredible vistas. Then to add to all of this beauty add in the flowering of the lupines. The blues, whites, pinks and purples are an inspiring palette for the landscape photographer. The spring run-off waterfalls create wonderful flowing lines when taken with a slow shutter speed thus our workshop focused on all of these elements which made for some great images made by our participants.

We had participants from all over New England and what a great group it was! This year the lupines were slow in coming up but by the time we left they were really starting to come up. We stayed at the Inn at Sunset Hill and were overwhelmed by the location and the Inn itself. It is an Inn in the Old New England style and it was a pleasure to stay there. The vistas that greeted us every morning it was not raining were unmatched and we could not have found a better place to stay for our workshop.

We had plenty of rain on day one which kept us away from the lupines until sunset. The image above was made from Sunset Hill in Sugar Hill, NH. as the blazing sunset behind us spilled over onto Cannon Mt. and the clouds above it. The first day gave us the opportunity to photograph some waterfalls down Rt. 93 at the Basin. The light was subdued and it really added to the wet experience.

On our last day we experienced a huge field of mature lupines that took our breath away. Everyone was busy finding compositions among the huge selection by Pearl Lake in Sugar Hill.

Overall we had a great time even though it was like photo boot camp at times. Below is a video with Dave and I talking about the weekend.