During my workshops one of my mantras is practice. Always have a camera with you whether it be your phone, a good point and shoot or your regular camera. There is no excuse for not having one of them with you. Practicing looking for compositions should be something you enjoy doing whether you happen to make an image or not.
This week the weather report was awful – rain for the whole week. I was not looking forward to sitting in the house banging on the computer.
So on Monday with the drizzle and fog I headed out for a morning walk to see what I could find. It turns out I found quite a bit of interesting things to photograph.

After I walked around the waterfront I managed to find some more great images along the way.

When I got home and let my dog “Kodak” out it was still kind of drizzly and when he came back in he was a little soggy looking. I had the camera with me and I immediately thought I could get a great shot of him looking back out the door with some great background separation. B&W is quite often a great option for this type of photo.
Lousy weather is no excuse to not get out there and shoot. It just might be the opportunity you were looking for to capture a great image.